Best AI Email Writer For Crafting Engaging Emails


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Introducing the Power of AI Email Writers in Crafting Engaging Promotional Emails 

Promotional emails form a crucial part of successful marketing strategies. They play a pivotal role in driving customer engagement, enhancing brand awareness, and ultimately, fuelling customer acquisition. The effectiveness of these emails, however, is not a given; it heavily relies on the quality of their content. 

Writing truly engaging email content is no easy task. It requires a deep understanding of marketing principles, the brand's essence, and most importantly, the customers' preferences. This is where an AI email writer makes a significant difference. 

"An AI email writer is a revolutionary tool designed to optimise your digital marketing efforts."

This ingenious tool leverages cutting-edge technologies such as AI content generator and machine learning, transforming the way marketing campaigns are conducted. Coupled with the advantages of marketing automation, you have the means to craft compelling and highly personalised emails that resonate well with your audience. 

  1. Boosting customer engagement

  2. Creating brand awareness

  3. Upgrading email copywriting processes

  4. Streamlining customer acquisition

  5. Paving the way for advanced email strategies

In the next sections, we dive deeper into how integrating an AI writing assistant into your email strategy creates a significant difference in customer engagement and your overall marketing campaign.

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Understanding AI in Email Marketing 

With the continuous advancements in technology, the world of email marketing has witnessed a significant transformation. One of these major changes is the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), an innovation that has entirely revolutionised email marketing strategies for most businesses. An AI email writer, in particular, automates and personalizes email content, creating a more engaging promotional experience for both businesses and customers alike. 

Broadening Horizons: AI and Email Subject Lines 

The power of AI, notably through natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG), has enhanced the creation of email subject lines. These technologies allow computers to understand and generate human language, enabling AI email generators to produce attractive and compelling subject lines. As NLP reads and interprets text, NLG is the writer creating engaging email subject lines. This automation can increase open rates by a significant 5-10%, according to Phrasee, an AI software platform. 

Analysing the emotions and styles effective for your product or audience becomes easier using an IBM Watson Tone Analyzer. It can give you a benchmark for future subject line copywriting, similar to the benchmark provided by subject lines like "Hi John, we have a great offer for you" which scores highly on sentiment and covers a range of social traits. 

Optimising Operations: The Value of AI in Email Marketing 

AI can greatly simplify and streamline many often manual and labour-intensive email operations that marketers undertake. AI technology can: 

  1. Clean up your email list: AI can scrutinise email databases and remove outdated contacts, update job titles, phone numbers, and other information to improve email deliverability. This step is crucial considering cleaning up email contacts manually can be a time-consuming operation.

  2. Perform smart segmentation: Segmentation is crucial for effective email marketing, but doing it manually can be error-prone and time-consuming. AI can automate this process, segmenting email lists based on collected data such as purchase history, browsing behaviour, and user preferences.

  3. Automate email responses: AI can help send personalised and automatically generated responses that are relevant to the email received. Using machine learning algorithms and NLP, AI can quickly understand the context of the incoming message and generate a resonating response.

Selecting the Right AI Email Generator 

With a myriad of AI email generators in the market, it can be challenging for businesses to pick the right tool that aligns with their email marketing needs. Here's an in-depth look at four of the most sought-after platforms: Writesonic,, Anyword, and GetResponse AI. Understanding their capabilities and offerings can help businesses make an informed decision. 

Writesonic: Crafting Quality Email Content

WriteSonic AI Email Generator UI
  • Offers specialised generators for sales, cold emails, and compelling subject lines

  • Supports content generation in 25 global languages

  • Provides new users with a trial of 2,500 free words

  • Presents a flexible billing system with diverse content generation credit options

Writesonic is a go-to solution for many businesses in need of high-quality content in a short amount of time. It boasts varied marketing tools, including an email subject line generator and email templates to enhance campaigns. Writesonic is not just about quantity, but also substance, offering intuitive and efficient content-generation tools applicable to countless marketing needs. Boost Efficiency with AI AI Email Generator UI
  • Generates quick, human-like and context-rich email responses

  • Powers by an advanced patterned learning AI

  • Communicates globally with support for 50+ languages

  • Enhances user experience with seamless integration with favourite web apps

With, businesses can redefine their messaging and email handling. The platform utilises the intelligent GPT-4, enabling businesses to streamline their communication with customised, precise and swift automated responses. 

Anyword: Leveraging AI for Content Engagement

Anyword AI Email Generator UI
  • Introduces predictive performance score to predict content engagement potential

  • Creates effective marketing content with robust content marketing tools

  • Offers content creation in multiple languages

  • Provides potent and flexible content generation using GPT-3 and other AI technologies

Anyword is an AI-powered copywriting tool that offers a unique performance scoring feature. This innovative approach provides strategic insight into the effectiveness of your email campaign by predicting the possible engagement level of AI-generated content. 

GetResponse AI: Revolutionising Email Marketing 

  • Offers AI-optimized subject lines to boost open rates

  • Generates emails based on industry trends and keywords

  • Facilitates a user-friendly email creation process

  • Improves time and resource efficiency with AI-powered content suggestions

Stepping up the email marketing game, GetResponse AI uses sophisticated AI technology to overcome the hitches often experienced while creating compelling email content. It offers valuable features that drive improvements in efficiency and quality of email campaigns. Integrating this tool into your email marketing strategy can lead to engaged, relevant, and successful email campaigns.

Best Copywriting Practices for AI-Generated Emails 

With an AI email writer, marketers have a powerful tool to create compelling copy, increasing customer engagement and enhancing brand awareness. However, it's essential to remember that even the best AI content generator cannot replace the human touch in promotional content. Here are some actionable tips for maintaining authenticity and ensuring maximum impact with your AI-generated emails. 

Humanising AI-generated Emails 

When it comes to email copywriting, personalisation is not just a trend but a necessity for any successful marketing campaign. Generating personalised content efficiently can be done using AI technology. Here are a few simple steps to give your AI-generated emails a personal touch: 

  • Maintaining an authentic voice: An Email AI Assistant can provide suggestions for copy, but it's crucial to ensure the language and tone reflect your brand's voice and are relatable to your customers.

  • Storytelling: Narratives resonate deeply with people, creating a stronger connection. Infuse storytelling elements into your emails to narrate your brand's story and connect with your customers on a deeper, more emotional level.

Authenticity is key

Hubspot study shows that customising and personalising your emails can dramatically improve customer engagement and acquisition. 

The Significance of A/B Testing with AI-Generated Emails 

It's crucial to remember that not all email recipients respond in the same way to various tactics used in email marketing campaigns. The solution? A/B testing. A helpful tool from an AI email writer is the ability to test different email elements to optimise engagement and conversion rates. Here are some things to consider when running A/B tests with your AI-generated emails: 

  1. Subject Line Testing: Use an AI model to generate two subject lines with different tones or formats for A/B testing. Pay close attention to open rates and engagement metrics for each alternative.

  2. Body Copy Testing: Create two different messaging or tone versions of email body copy using AI. Measure the click-through rates and conversion rates to determine the winning version.

  3. Call-to-Action Testing: Experiment with two variations of a call to action with different wording, styles, or placements using AI. The option that brings in more conversions is the winner.

Email strategy should remain comprehensive and growth-oriented. The incorporation of AI is an innovative way forward, but remember it's a tool and success is marked by how effectively it's deployed. Continue learning about digital marketing trends and harnessing AI tools to craft engaging promotional emails.

Enhancing Personalisation with AI 

A shift towards personalised and strategically-targeted content is what separates an effective email marketing campaign from a lacklustre one. As a marketer, you may have experienced the task of crafting engaging personalised emails for hundreds, if not thousands, of recipients. It can become incredibly tedious and time-consuming. Enter the AI Email Writer: 

AI email writers, including the likes of ChatGPT, have revolutionised the field of email marketing, by enabling marketers to create individually-tailored emails at scale. These smart tools are capable of addressing recipients by name, tailoring content based on their unique behaviour, interests, and preferences. It's like having your very own digital copywriter. 

Dynamic Personalisation 

AI-generated emails can be personalised down to their very core. AI email writers incorporate a recipient's name, geography, previous purchases, browsing behaviour and more to create a dialogue that feels personal and engaging. For instance, using ChatGPT's personalisation prompt, marketers and businesses can generate personalised subject lines and body copies that resonate with each individual recipient. 

  • Personalisation prompt: Automated means to include details specific to each recipient's interests and needs.

  • Benefit prompt: Highlights the advantages of the product or service being advertised to entice recipients.

Smart Product Recommendations 

It's not just the personal details and preferences that AI can nail down. They also excel in making smart product recommendations. If a customer has spent a significant amount of time browsing a particular category, AI can recommend products from the same or similar category. To add to this, AI tools can suggest products based on buyer history and even anticipate future purchases based on customer behaviour patterns. 

Optimising Call-To-Action 

"The secret of a high converting email is in the call-to-action"

In most cases, every email has a goal, and that is to get the recipient to act - be it subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing a product, or promoting brand awareness. AI can be instrumental in personalising Call-To-Actions (CTAs) to increase click-through rates. For instance, using AI, the CTAs can be personally crafted to create a sense of urgency, highlight the benefits of the action, or include strategic placements such as at the beginning or end of the email. 

Paving the Future of Email Marketing 

AI is spearheading the march towards more personal, relevant and engaging email marketing campaigns. It's about sending the right message to the right person at the right time. And it's all about saving marketers a lot of time and hassle in the process. So, with an AI email writer, expect nothing less than highly personalised and engaging emails that can drive successful marketing campaigns and ultimately bolster customer acquisition and brand awareness.

Integrating AI Email Marketing Tools 

As your business grows, your marketing efforts need to keep pace. Streamlining your process becomes crucial, and this is where AI email marketing tools can play a pivotal role. Platforms like Omnisend and Encharge excel in seamlessly integrating with e-commerce platforms and CRM systems, making your marketing campaigns efficient and highly targeted. 

The Merits of Tools like Omnisend and Encharge 

Advanced tools such as Omnisend and Encharge help automate and coordinate your entire email marketing process, offering abilities beyond the capabilities of traditional tools: 

  • These AI-powered tools can orchestrate complex, multi-channel marketing campaigns, making it easier to deliver personalised messages to customers at the right time.

  • They go hand in hand with e-commerce platforms and CRM systems, collating customer data for better targeting and personalisation.

While these advantages make a compelling case for the use of AI tools, one of their standout offerings is their ability to manage and clean up email lists. 

AI Streamlines Email Lists 

Embracing AI equips marketers with an efficient way to keep their email lists organised and relevant: 

  • AI can clean up email databases automatically, deleting out-of-date contacts and updating essential information. This not only saves time but also improves deliverability across emails.

  • AI tools streamline smart segmentation, allowing you to curate your email list based on insights gathered from customer behaviour — everything from their browsing habits to their purchase history. These insights empower AI to create customised email segments for highly personalised emails.

Utilising AI to Respond to Emails 

One of the biggest challenges for businesses is managing custom queries. Yet, with AI by your side, dealing with repetitive queries becomes a breeze: 

  • AI tools can quickly decipher the content of incoming messages with the aid of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning algorithms.

  • They can generate personalised responses that connect well with the context of the received message, significantly reducing the time taken to respond to customer queries.

The evolving power of AI email writer technology such as this moves us ever closer to an era of autonomous email correspondence, vastly enhancing our online marketing approach.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Email Marketing with AI 

From promotional content creation to dynamic customer engagement, AI offers boundless opportunities in email strategy. The transformative potential of an AI Email Writer in crafting engaging promotional emails is a game-changer for marketing campaigns. With marketing automation playing a significant role in customer acquisition and brand awareness, incorporating AI-centric tools in your email marketing strategy could potentially skyrocket your conversion rates.

Embracing the digital marketing trends can ensure a competitive edge. The future invites marketers to explore innovative tools like the Email AI Assistant and AI content generators. Adopt best copywriting practices and create compelling content to enhance your email marketing strategies for long-term engagement and improved conversion rates.